More powerful and flexible than mobiledevices and laptops these are the bestdesktop computers you can trust thisyear Alienware area 51 thread RipperEdition smooth 4k gameplay excellentmulti-threaded performance andexpandable chassis with efficient andquad cooling the new Alienwarearea 51 re-engineered with the newsecond gen triad chassis now withtooless graphics featuring our firstever dual liquid cooled graphics andhigh performance CPU liquid coolerwith up to 18 core Intel processors andsupport for high performance u2 SSDstoragesuperior gameplay unstoppableperformance the msi vortex g25 is aconsole like VR ready desktop with aslim footprint excellent gamingperformance quiet cooling fans of thevertical stand is includedthe bite 3 is a tiny and flexible semipowerful Windows 10 mini PC for $200 Ilove itthe bakery is absolutely amazing it'ssmall its compact and it's quiet -simplicity is the key to excellence Iknew I needed a lot of power and a lotof storage space for all the projects Iwas gonna have to be working on and afriend recommended the fight for you tome best mini PC ever it has so muchpower and more capabilities than everlike the type C port it's actually acomputer I use it for everythingincluding stream from Netflix Hulu orAmazon now on top of that it's in 4kdisplay that is unbelievable from a PCthis small the performance isjaw-dropping with a gigs of RAM and theNeo public processor you can really fita powerful new bike through I can postSkype meetings multitask and so muchmore the addition is the m2 slot isphenomenalthe pi3 is amazing join the experiencetoday fast performance and an accuratetouchscreen on a super-thin display theMicrosoft Surface Studio is an elegantand capable in one computer for artistsin designersmythere's nothing toothe HPA lete 1 is a beautiful 27-inch 4kdisplay a silent computer with the greatability to easily upgrade the internalcomponents when needed an all-in-onecomputer suitable for small IT businessDell XPS tower special edition a compactdesign and fast all-around performancean easy access case with lots of roomfor expansion elevate your expectationswith the XPS tower special edition it'sexpandable and easy to access so you canupgrade it to fit your needsfour PCIe slots let you add extra memoryand storage as well as power efficienthigh performance Nvidia graphics thediamond cut edges and anodized aluminumfinish add beauty to any room the latestIntel processors power every projectadvanced three heat pipe cooling keepsyour desktop cool and quiet as a whispereven under the most intensive loadspair it with Dell accessories tocomplete your system the Dell XPS towerspecial edition doesn't meetexpectations it surpasses them the DellXPS 27 all-in-one includes a 4ktouchscreen display superb audioexcellent graphics and computing powerfor multimedia performance when Dellcame to me our goal was to make anall-in-one that had the absolute bestfrom every angle while watching a filmor watching televisionlisten to music you could do anythingyou want I actually went through the 72iterations of pushing rejectingredesigning everything you can imagineyou try a passive crossover activecrossover we tried different speakerconfigurations we tridifferent kindsof amplifiers and the kinds of voltagesbefore I heard something that made mefeel that the sound I chase every daywas now coming out of those speakers theXPS 227 inch all-in-one has 10 speakersvi the front fire to the down fire whichhas never been done before and twopassive radiators those 10 speakers arewhat give you the immersive sound andI'm really excited about the civilitydeliver the best experience I can sothat where that gets to your living roomit's actually what we were using nomatter what you choose to do with theXPS 27 inch all-in-one I promise you itwill be an amazing experiencethe dell inspiron gaming desktop with aspeedy new intel core i7delivers 60 frames per second in asmooth 1080p video quality plenty ofstorage with a boot SSD and a hard drivean attractive bargain for gamers on abudgetthe iMac was designed for people whospend their time working with computersoftware the newest Apple iMac 27 inchesis a wonderful machine with a stunning5k screen and build qualitynow with USB type-c Thunderbolt 3 is oneof the best for photo and video editingif you just want the work done the iMacwill give you funwith the same stunning 5k displaygorgeous design in space gray color theApple iMac Pro is the combination ofbeauty and computing power and these areten of the best desktop computers youcan buy today for more details followthe links in video description belowthanks for watching and I see you innext videos Cheersyou
Best Desktop PCs 2018 - Best Desktop Computers 2018
More powerful and flexible than mobiledevices and laptops these are the bestdesktop computers you can trust thisyear Alienware area 51 thread RipperEdition smooth 4k gameplay excellentmulti-threaded performance andexpandable chassis with efficient andquad cooling the new Alienwarearea 51 re-engineered with the newsecond gen triad chassis now withtooless graphics featuring our firstever dual liquid cooled graphics andhigh performance CPU liquid coolerwith up to 18 core Intel processors andsupport for high performance u2 SSDstoragesuperior gameplay unstoppableperformance the msi vortex g25 is aconsole like VR ready desktop with aslim footprint excellent gamingperformance quiet cooling fans of thevertical stand is includedthe bite 3 is a tiny and flexible semipowerful Windows 10 mini PC for $200 Ilove itthe bakery is absolutely amazing it'ssmall its compact and it's quiet -simplicity is the key to excellence Iknew I needed a lot of power and a lotof storage space for all the projects Iwas gonna have to be working on and afriend recommended the fight for you tome best mini PC ever it has so muchpower and more capabilities than everlike the type C port it's actually acomputer I use it for everythingincluding stream from Netflix Hulu orAmazon now on top of that it's in 4kdisplay that is unbelievable from a PCthis small the performance isjaw-dropping with a gigs of RAM and theNeo public processor you can really fita powerful new bike through I can postSkype meetings multitask and so muchmore the addition is the m2 slot isphenomenalthe pi3 is amazing join the experiencetoday fast performance and an accuratetouchscreen on a super-thin display theMicrosoft Surface Studio is an elegantand capable in one computer for artistsin designersmythere's nothing toothe HPA lete 1 is a beautiful 27-inch 4kdisplay a silent computer with the greatability to easily upgrade the internalcomponents when needed an all-in-onecomputer suitable for small IT businessDell XPS tower special edition a compactdesign and fast all-around performancean easy access case with lots of roomfor expansion elevate your expectationswith the XPS tower special edition it'sexpandable and easy to access so you canupgrade it to fit your needsfour PCIe slots let you add extra memoryand storage as well as power efficienthigh performance Nvidia graphics thediamond cut edges and anodized aluminumfinish add beauty to any room the latestIntel processors power every projectadvanced three heat pipe cooling keepsyour desktop cool and quiet as a whispereven under the most intensive loadspair it with Dell accessories tocomplete your system the Dell XPS towerspecial edition doesn't meetexpectations it surpasses them the DellXPS 27 all-in-one includes a 4ktouchscreen display superb audioexcellent graphics and computing powerfor multimedia performance when Dellcame to me our goal was to make anall-in-one that had the absolute bestfrom every angle while watching a filmor watching televisionlisten to music you could do anythingyou want I actually went through the 72iterations of pushing rejectingredesigning everything you can imagineyou try a passive crossover activecrossover we tried different speakerconfigurations we tridifferent kindsof amplifiers and the kinds of voltagesbefore I heard something that made mefeel that the sound I chase every daywas now coming out of those speakers theXPS 227 inch all-in-one has 10 speakersvi the front fire to the down fire whichhas never been done before and twopassive radiators those 10 speakers arewhat give you the immersive sound andI'm really excited about the civilitydeliver the best experience I can sothat where that gets to your living roomit's actually what we were using nomatter what you choose to do with theXPS 27 inch all-in-one I promise you itwill be an amazing experiencethe dell inspiron gaming desktop with aspeedy new intel core i7delivers 60 frames per second in asmooth 1080p video quality plenty ofstorage with a boot SSD and a hard drivean attractive bargain for gamers on abudgetthe iMac was designed for people whospend their time working with computersoftware the newest Apple iMac 27 inchesis a wonderful machine with a stunning5k screen and build qualitynow with USB type-c Thunderbolt 3 is oneof the best for photo and video editingif you just want the work done the iMacwill give you funwith the same stunning 5k displaygorgeous design in space gray color theApple iMac Pro is the combination ofbeauty and computing power and these areten of the best desktop computers youcan buy today for more details followthe links in video description belowthanks for watching and I see you innext videos Cheersyou