Best Desktop Computer For The Money 2019

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hello and welcome to unmatched value today we have a list of the top desktopcomputers you can get for your money we break them down into three categories avalue a standard and a premium value is going to be your cheapest and it's gonnabe for the average user somebody who just browses the internet maybe plays alittle bit of games and does some labor-intensive tasks the standard isgoing to be a good all-around computer it's gonna be for people who like to domore intensive tasks maybe play more games on higher quality and the premiumis the best you can get without way overpaying so for people who like toplay a lot of games maybe do a lot of rendering or a lot of multitasking thiswould be the machine for you our selections are gonna be listed down inthe description below with links to the best prices we were able to find onlinewe find these prices manually and using programs such as price blink when we aremaking our selections we always look at user reviews from all across theinternet to see if there's any issues that a lot of the customers areexperiencing and we look at the price obviously specifically for computers welook at several things the CPU central processing unit this is basically whathandles tasks such as responding to user inputs running games and loadinginformation it's one of the most important parts of a computer and wealways make sure that every one of our picks has a good processor our next itemon the list of importance is the graphics card this is not as importantfor the lower end computers like our value because they're not reallydesigned to be playing a lot of games but for premium and standard a goodgraphics card is important because a graphics card is responsible forrendering the image on your screen it's by far the biggest factor in terms ofgaming graphics quality and frame rate then we look to make sure the computerhas sufficient RAM RAM is fast temporary storage where application data is storedwhile the application is running it's your computer's multitasking Centerso the more RAM you have the more multitasking you can do this is one ofthose things some people overpay for 32 gigabytes of RAM is too much for mostpeople between 8 and 16 is where you want to be unless you know you're gonnaneed the extra RAM the last thing we look at is storage this is where youruser files and operating system is permanently stored there are two maintypes of hard drives there's the hard disk drive and the solid-state drivebasically the hard disk drive is slower but it's cheaper in terms of gigabytesper dollar and solid-state is faster but it's more expensive in terms ofgigabytes per dollar I think that every computer should have a solid-state driveat least to run the operating system I'm a big fan of it and I try to get thatincluded in my selections whenever possible whenever the price will allowit if you're getting a computer that only has a hard disk drive I would lookinto Intel obtain memory module it will help with your boot times so those arethe main things we focused on when we were making our selections if youhaven't go ahead and take a look at them down below thank you for watching and aspecial things for anybody who likes or subscribed i hope this video helpssomebody out have a great day

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