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Best Desktop PCs 2018 - Best Desktop Computers 2018

More powerful and flexible than mobiledevices and laptops these are the bestdesktop computers you can trust thisyear Alienware area 51 thread RipperEdition smooth 4k gameplay excellentmulti-threaded performance andexpandable chassis with efficient andquad cooling the new Alienwarearea 51 re-engineered with the newsecond gen triad chassis now withtooless graphics featuring our firstever dual liquid cooled graphics andhigh performance CPU liquid coolerwith up to 18 core Intel processors andsupport for high performance u2 SSDstoragesuperior gameplay unstoppableperformance the msi vortex g25 is aconsole like VR ready desktop with aslim footprint excellent gamingperformance quiet cooling fans of thevertical stand is includedthe bite 3 is a tiny and flexible semipowerful Windows 10 mini PC for $200 Ilove itthe bakery is absolutely amazing it'ssmall its compact and it's quiet -simplicity is the key to excellence Iknew I needed a lot of power and a lotof storage space for all the projects Iwas gonna have to be working on and afriend recommended the fight for you tome best mini PC ever it has so muchpower and more capabilities than everlike the type C port it's actually acomputer I use it for everythingincluding stream from Netflix Hulu orAmazon now on top of that it's in 4kdisplay that is unbelievable from a PCthis small the performance isjaw-dropping with a gigs of RAM and theNeo public processor you can really fita powerful new bike through I can postSkype meetings multitask and so muchmore the addition is the m2 slot isphenomenalthe pi3 is amazing join the experiencetoday fast performance and an accuratetouchscreen on a super-thin display theMicrosoft Surface Studio is an elegantand capable in one computer for artistsin designersmythere's nothing toothe HPA lete 1 is a beautiful 27-inch 4kdisplay a silent computer with the greatability to easily upgrade the internalcomponents when needed an all-in-onecomputer suitable for small IT businessDell XPS tower special edition a compactdesign and fast all-around performancean easy access case with lots of roomfor expansion elevate your expectationswith the XPS tower special edition it'sexpandable and easy to access so you canupgrade it to fit your needsfour PCIe slots let you add extra memoryand storage as well as power efficienthigh performance Nvidia graphics thediamond cut edges and anodized aluminumfinish add beauty to any room the latestIntel processors power every projectadvanced three heat pipe cooling keepsyour desktop cool and quiet as a whispereven under the most intensive loadspair it with Dell accessories tocomplete your system the Dell XPS towerspecial edition doesn't meetexpectations it surpasses them the DellXPS 27 all-in-one includes a 4ktouchscreen display superb audioexcellent graphics and computing powerfor multimedia performance when Dellcame to me our goal was to make anall-in-one that had the absolute bestfrom every angle while watching a filmor watching televisionlisten to music you could do anythingyou want I actually went through the 72iterations of pushing rejectingredesigning everything you can imagineyou try a passive crossover activecrossover we tried different speakerconfigurations we tridifferent kindsof amplifiers and the kinds of voltagesbefore I heard something that made mefeel that the sound I chase every daywas now coming out of those speakers theXPS 227 inch all-in-one has 10 speakersvi the front fire to the down fire whichhas never been done before and twopassive radiators those 10 speakers arewhat give you the immersive sound andI'm really excited about the civilitydeliver the best experience I can sothat where that gets to your living roomit's actually what we were using nomatter what you choose to do with theXPS 27 inch all-in-one I promise you itwill be an amazing experiencethe dell inspiron gaming desktop with aspeedy new intel core i7delivers 60 frames per second in asmooth 1080p video quality plenty ofstorage with a boot SSD and a hard drivean attractive bargain for gamers on abudgetthe iMac was designed for people whospend their time working with computersoftware the newest Apple iMac 27 inchesis a wonderful machine with a stunning5k screen and build qualitynow with USB type-c Thunderbolt 3 is oneof the best for photo and video editingif you just want the work done the iMacwill give you funwith the same stunning 5k displaygorgeous design in space gray color theApple iMac Pro is the combination ofbeauty and computing power and these areten of the best desktop computers youcan buy today for more details followthe links in video description belowthanks for watching and I see you innext videos Cheersyou

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Best Desktop Computer For The Money 2019

hello and welcome to unmatched value today we have a list of the top desktopcomputers you can get for your money we break them down into three categories avalue a standard and a premium value is going to be your cheapest and it's gonnabe for the average user somebody who just browses the internet maybe plays alittle bit of games and does some labor-intensive tasks the standard isgoing to be a good all-around computer it's gonna be for people who like to domore intensive tasks maybe play more games on higher quality and the premiumis the best you can get without way overpaying so for people who like toplay a lot of games maybe do a lot of rendering or a lot of multitasking thiswould be the machine for you our selections are gonna be listed down inthe description below with links to the best prices we were able to find onlinewe find these prices manually and using programs such as price blink when we aremaking our selections we always look at user reviews from all across theinternet to see if there's any issues that a lot of the customers areexperiencing and we look at the price obviously specifically for computers welook at several things the CPU central processing unit this is basically whathandles tasks such as responding to user inputs running games and loadinginformation it's one of the most important parts of a computer and wealways make sure that every one of our picks has a good processor our next itemon the list of importance is the graphics card this is not as importantfor the lower end computers like our value because they're not reallydesigned to be playing a lot of games but for premium and standard a goodgraphics card is important because a graphics card is responsible forrendering the image on your screen it's by far the biggest factor in terms ofgaming graphics quality and frame rate then we look to make sure the computerhas sufficient RAM RAM is fast temporary storage where application data is storedwhile the application is running it's your computer's multitasking Centerso the more RAM you have the more multitasking you can do this is one ofthose things some people overpay for 32 gigabytes of RAM is too much for mostpeople between 8 and 16 is where you want to be unless you know you're gonnaneed the extra RAM the last thing we look at is storage this is where youruser files and operating system is permanently stored there are two maintypes of hard drives there's the hard disk drive and the solid-state drivebasically the hard disk drive is slower but it's cheaper in terms of gigabytesper dollar and solid-state is faster but it's more expensive in terms ofgigabytes per dollar I think that every computer should have a solid-state driveat least to run the operating system I'm a big fan of it and I try to get thatincluded in my selections whenever possible whenever the price will allowit if you're getting a computer that only has a hard disk drive I would lookinto Intel obtain memory module it will help with your boot times so those arethe main things we focused on when we were making our selections if youhaven't go ahead and take a look at them down below thank you for watching and aspecial things for anybody who likes or subscribed i hope this video helpssomebody out have a great day

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How to Choose a Computer for Architecture

Hey, Eric here was 30 by 40 Design Workshop, talking about how to choose the best computer for architecture today. Whether you're a student, an aspiring architect, a draftsperson, or if you're in a related professional discipline, we’ll dig into the things you should look for and their order of relative importance. Now, because computer specs change so often I'm gonna keep this general in nature, so no specific model numbers. But, I'll update the cards up here over time with current recommendations. I'm going to talk about how architects use computers in practice so you can see which system requirements are most important to each one of those daily tasks; this should give you a framework for making the decision no matter when in the future, you're looking for a new one. Alright, I'm not gonna spend a lot of time here because I think this is actually an easy one. If you don't have a system yet or if you're a student, get a laptop. Done. When you're ready to supplement it and you have a permanent place where you can put the desktop system, you'll buy that to complement it. Of course, laptops are more expensive pound-for-pound than desktop systems, but portability I think wins out here. You'll use it for field work, job site meetings, and even measuring existing conditions. And, what I like to do is bring it with me and I'll draft the building that I'm measuring right into AutoCAD as I measure it so, that's a huge time-saving. Of course, there's also client or planning board meetings, presentations, talks, teaching opportunities, and you'll need one if you're traveling to the remote projects anyhow. Now, obviously, there's a lot to choose from in the laptop category. You'll want to focus in on the more powerful mobile workstations, not ultra-books, or notebooks, or airs; here, portable doesn't mean light. Between a large screen, a fast CPU, and the upgraded hardware you'll need to run powerful graphics software, all of that doesn't fit into a small light case. Check out brands like MSI, Asus, Dell, and its Alienware line, Apple, and Lenovo for starters; these are all really good brands. This one's a little tricky. Although many of the CAD, BIM, and modeling software are native to the Windows operating system, you can have almost anything you want on either operating system. Having used both in the past in production environments, I don't actually think they're that different. Yes, the UI is different, and the design and the internal hardware too, but they have roughly equal capabilities. What you will notice is: lagging or slow load times, or render times, lagging context clicks. Generally, any time you're using the software and it's slow to respond those are the things you'll notice most and importantly, those are things that impact your efficiency and how much you can get done in a day. Now, assuming you can solve those things with either a PC or a Mac - and I think you can- then software choice, budget, and optionality are probably the more important drivers of the decision to choose one platform over another. It's fair to say that Mac's are more expensive than PCs, they're not as easy to upgrade or swap out parts like hard drives or upgrade RAM, and they're also more limited in the natively ported software you'll have to choose from. Notably absent from Mac OS are two industry favorites: Revit and 3DS Max. But, for BIM software in a Mac environment there's Vectorworks or ArchiCAD and for modeling, you have access to Rhino and SketchUp. Another industry standard, AutoCAD is available for both. Now, it's worth noting here that many of the best architecture schools here in the US, like the GSD at Harvard and Cornell, strongly recommend students purchase Windows-based laptops. At the very least you must be capable of running Windows on your laptop if you're a student there. Now, Windows-based machines offer more customizable options for system configurations and resort of inherently future-proofed because so many of the components are swappable. So, you'll have a more adaptable machine over the time you're in school, or over a period of years rather than having to buy an entirely new set up every couple of years. If you want to use Windows based programs like Revit or 3DS Max on a Mac you'll have to either virtualize Windows using Parallels or buy Boot Camp and actually boot windows on your Mac. And, although Boot Camp is the recommended way to do this, it means that if you're running Photoshop in a Mac environment and Revit in a Windows environment on your Mac, you'll have to reboot your machine every time you want to switch between the two applications. That's not only a pain, but it's also a terribly inefficient workflow. So, here's what you'll be doing a lot of as an architect: you'll be doing a lot of drawing, and CAD, 3d modeling, maybe some rendering, there's lots of communication, which is both in written form, and graphic form. You have schedules to write, specifications to write, you have budgets to track, there'll be some photo editing, and of course, you'll have video conferencing, things like Skype. Then those specialty tasks like laser cutting, special modeling, or texturing, or really high-end rendering, or - if you're like me - audio and video editing. So, you have to choose which software is the limiting determinant for your hardware. Designing architecture requires we use graphically intense applications for 3d modeling, rendering, and CAD work. And, the CPU is the brain that does all the necessary calculations. Now, there's a lot of technical jargon to wade through when you're looking at processors and I know it can be intimidating. Kaby Lake, Ryzen, i5, i7, Intel, AMD, cores, chipsets. For most architecture tasks, you basically want to buy the fastest processor you can afford. Now, you'll also hear about multi-core processors, quad cores, dual cores, so what does all that mean?Well, this has to do with how your software uses the CPU to do the necessary calculations. And, stick with me here, this is actually pretty simple. There's a difference in the way that 3d rendering, 3d modeling, and CAD drafting software assigns tasks to your processor. 3d modeling and CAD drafting software are generally single-threaded tasks, while rendering, ray tracing, and video transcoding are generally multi-threaded. Single-threaded means it can only happen on one core of the processor at a time, while multi-threaded means the task can be split up and assigned to more than one core of your CPU simultaneously. So, if you plan to do a lot of 3d rendering - or in my case - video transcoding, the more cores you can access, the faster your rendering times will be. For 3d modeling or CAD tasks, multiple cores won't help as the software can only assign the tasks to one core at a time. So, with those, you're really concerned with getting the fastest speed for any individual core. So, just having multiple cores doesn't mean you'll see an advantage because it's software-dependent. Now, just because you're a CAD drafting software right now isn't multi-threaded doesn't mean it won't be in the future. But, if you're looking for just a CAD workstation and you won't be doing much rendering or video editing then it's better to buy the fastest processor you can afford rather than buying one with more cores. Of course, there are exceptions. If you're using BIM software like ArchiCAD, that actually does use multi-threading, some cores will offer better performance. Now, besides all this, multiple cores are good because they free up resources for other tasks to take place at the same time on the computer. You'll no doubt be switching between AutoCAD and Photoshop and a browser window let's say, so you'll want the ability to do that without a lot of lag. Having multiple cores will allow you to be a better multitasker. In general, with CPUs, higher clock speeds - this is the gigahertz number - will provide a peppier and sort of smoother experience. Now, a lot of people misunderstand what a graphics card actually does. It doesn't actually make your modeling tasks faster. Your graphics card controls how fast your display repaints itself, how fast it refreshes the results of your modeling and rendering tasks. If you've ever seen a model sort of lagging on the screen as you rotate it, that's usually because the graphics card is underpowered. A dedicated, or as it's often called - discrete - graphics card is one designed specifically for graphics intensive work and it stands separate from the CPU. It controls how many frames per second your screen will refresh. For 3d drafting, modeling, Photoshop, Lightroom work, and video editing, you'll care a lot about how fast your screen regenerates when working. These tasks require a lot of computation and the better your card, the faster and smoother your screen experience will be. You want to always check your software manufacturer’s website for individual card recommendations to make sure they're compatible. You can spend multiple thousands on graphics cards, but you have to balance things here. If you need a Quadro card you're probably in the specialty market and sort of beyond the scope of this video. If you have no idea what a Quadro card is, then you're definitely in the right place. 1080p, 4k, 5k, 8k, this is simply referring to your screen size in pixels. Now, the screen behind me here is a 5k screen, it's 27 inches wide. That screen is 5120 pixels wide by 2880 pixels high. With screen size or resolution, bigger - in my opinion - is always better. Your CAD graphics and modeling work will involve lots of zooming around and large sheet sizes; the larger your screen the less of this navigation you'll have to do and the more time efficient you'll be. More screen real estate also allows you to bounce between open applications checking things, cross-referencing other materials, picking up redlines - you know, things like that. So, on my desktop system, I still feel like I could use more space. On a laptop, you'll be confined to 15 or 17-inch monitors so there's actually a lot less space. Of course, if you pair a laptop with an external monitor or two, you'll double or triple the room available. So, take that into account as well. Another thing that affects how life-like and realistic your picture is, is pixel density, or pixels per inch. So, this 5k Retina display has a pixel density, or PPI, of 219 which is roughly equivalent to the 15-inch MacBook Pro’s Retina display at twenty-eight eighty by eighteen hundred pixels. A Retina display simply refers to that pixel density that's high enough where the human retina can't pick out the differences between individual pixels. The closer it is, the higher the density needs to be. So, if you're holding something in your hands at about twelve inches away, that number turns out to be close to 300 pixels per inch, whereas on a desktop you're slightly further away so it's lower. The amount of information you're able to store in RAM directly affects how fast you'll perceive your system to be. The instant response when executing commands like context menu clicks is attributable to the amount of RAM you have. The more you have, the more programs will use, up to a certain point. But, it will also help keep recent files close at hand and quickly accessible. Eight gig is a suggested minimum for most software today, 16-gig is better. When spec’ing your system, make sure you have a path to upgrade it later. More slots are always better; this will accommodate future operating system upgrades and it'an inexpensive way to increase performance if a new software package has left you feeling underpowered. Now, RAM is also classed by its speed too, so higher numbers are always better. SSD or solid-state drives are really fast. They don't have moving parts and so you can access your data extremely fast. Putting your operating system and your program and system files on a solid-state drive will give you a definite speed advantage, and they use less power which is great on a laptop. They're also generally more reliable. The trade-off here is that they're actually pretty expensive. Your other option is the HDD or hard disk drive. Now, these use disks or spinning platters to store your data. These, of course, do have moving parts, which means they're slower and more apt to break over the life of your computer. But, they're also much less expensive per megabyte of storage space. The trend today is to use HDD drives as data drives to store the masses of files you donated to access all the time, and SSDs to install the operating system and applications. This allows the speed advantage of loading applications and your operating system quickly, and then you can save on the cost of a large amount of data space you'll need to store all your files if you pair a 256 or 512-gigabyte solid-state drive with one terabyte or two-terabyte hard disk drive. That offers a good balance of speed, price, and storage capability. Apple refers to this combination as their Fusion drive. Up until earlier this year, I used a combination of PCs and Macs with the PC almost exclusively being used for CAD and modeling work. But, when the motherboard in my very old Dell laptop died, I decided to move completely over to Macs. Now, for me, the choice came down to a few things - and this is a genius plan by Appleby the way - the Mac seamlessly integrates with the life I've created on my iPhone. Now, like it or not, there's so many parts of my life that are wrapped up in the iPhone:the apps I use are there, there's messaging, podcasts, my calendar, photos, notes, music, and all of this, it transfers back and forth between my mobile life and my desktop. Now, that's a big deal to me. And, this UI advantage, it really does matter because it saves me time. And, lastly - and this is super important to you – ultimately, the software I wanted to run helped me make the choice. I knew AutoCAD could run natively on the Mac now and there are a few other programs I rely on every day like Final Cut Pro 10, that only exist on the Mac. Now, I was never a big of the Windows environment, but I used to love the fact that I could sort of getting under the hood and adjust things, tweak, and fine-tune, but I also found that that meant I could really break things doing that too. Now, this may sound cliché, but Macs don't require me to tweak things endlessly to get things working the way I want. Does that mean less customization?Yes. But, I'm okay with that honestly. I want the computer sort of getting out of my way and I do find that the Mac does that pretty well for me. In my experience though, PCs and Macs are equally reliable. I've had major trouble with both of them in the past. Your computer is really just another tool to help you do your work, it won't make you a good designer or architect. If that insanely beautiful rendering isn't backed up by good design, it has very little meaning. So, I'll close by reminding you that computers don't obviate the need for sketching and physical model building. All architects sketch. All architects build models. Learn to use these tools, in addition to purchasing a really nice computer, and learning 3DS Max, or V-Ray. Good tools are force multipliers and they have a value that far exceeds their cost. Now, if I've helped you in any way, please smash that like button below and say hello in the comments. Have you noticed I hang around in the comments for a while right after I upload the video?Until next time, cheers!

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PowerSpec Extreme X508 Gaming Desktop

♪ [electronic music]♪ ♪♪ [building]♪ ♪♪ [crescendo]♪ ♪Voiceover: Hey everyone.  We're here with an overview of the PowerSpec X508. The X508 is the newest in the high-performance PowerSpec Extreme gaming desktop line. Build 1 of the X508 is outfitted with: an Intel i7 7700K CPU,32 gigabytes of G. Skill Ripjaws V RAM, ASUS's ROG Strix Z270E Gaming Motherboard, as well as their ROG GTX 1080Ti Graphics Card. For storage, the system offers two Intel 600 NVMe M. 2 SSD's in RAID 0 and a two terabyte hard drive. If that all sounds meaty, that's because the X508 is just that. To test this, we traveled to Mars via Doom. The forces of Hell proved no match for the X508, which blew us away with its performance. On a Predator X34 monitor, the system consistently delivered between 125 to 175 frames per second on max settings. And when we altered the aspect ratio and resolution we hit the game's capped max of 200. ♪ ♪The i7's unlocked processor is kept cool with Corsairs dual PWM fan Hydro liquid cooler. And speaking of cool, we love the X508's customizable interior lighting thanks to ASUS's Aura Sync software. CableMod's magnetic RGB strip mounted to the top of the case really pops alongside ASUS's board and card, and their Molex black and white cables won't clash with whatever lighting configuration you create. Cooler Master's Mastercase 5 Pro chassis isn't the flashiest of cases, but its neutral color scheme pairs well with the RGB lighting, and overall there's a sleek simplicity to its design. We also appreciate some of the smaller additions, such as the tinting of the basement portion of the window and the three-bay cage and SSD pockets that provide endless opportunity for storage expansion. For more info on the PowerSpec Extreme X508, visit MicroCenter. com, where you can find thousands of products along the entire tech spectrum. ♪ ♪

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Top 10 Best AIO Desktop Computers 2018

All-in-One computers are great because they take up less room than traditionalPC towers and at the same time they offer more screen space than mostlaptops these are the best all-in-one computers available now in the marketwith an incredible 4k infinity edge display and the speedy AMD risinprocessor the Dell Inspiron 27 inches offers a compelling set of features at agreat priceLenovo idea Center why 910 isn't just an impressive all-in-one computer it's alsoa great gaming PC features a depth sensing camera a fast core i7 processorand a 27 inch quad HD screen and with its new design you can always upgradeits memory storage and graphicsMicrosoft Surface Studio fast performance and inaccurate touchscreenon a super-thin display is an elegant and capable in one computer for artistsin designersdrivingmaxparadisethere's nothing tothe HPA lete 1 is a beautiful 27-inch 4k display it is a very silent computer ithas dual webcams that slide back in the display when not in use and has thegreat ability to easily upgrade the internal components when neededthe Dell XPS 27 all-in-one includes a 4k touchscreen display superb audioexcellent graphics and computing power for multimedia performance really wewere looking at what is it that we can do in the space that's a littledisruptive that really pushes technology to his limits what we were looking forwas to take the best possible commodities we could get our hands on anamazing 4k Adobe RGB display with 10-point touch for full desktopperformance combining that with an audio solution that actually matched thatlevel of quality being able to get some sort of an emotional response from thecustomer from an audio perspective that was something that hadn't been donebefore in the industry we knew that we needed some expertise in the audio fieldso we turned to Hollywood we went to Jack Joseph queeg 11 time Grammy Awardwinner to get his insight and deliver the best all-in-one on the planet whenDell came to me our goal was to make an all-in-one that had the absolute bestfrom every angle while watching a film or watching televisionlisten to music you could do anything you want I actually went through the 72iterations of pushing rejecting redesigning everything you can imagineyou try passive crossover active crossover we tried different speakerconfigurations we tried different kinds of amplifiers and the kinds of voltagesbefore I heard something that made me feel that the sound I chase every daywas now coming out of those speakers the XPS 227 inch on one has 10 speakerssixth the front fire to the down fire which has never been done beforeand two passive radiators those 10 speakers are what give you the immersivesound and I'm really excited about is available a deliver the best experienceI can that when it gets to your living roomit's actually what we were using no matter what you choose to do with theXPS 27-inch all-in-one I promise you it will be an amazing experiencethe newest Apple iMac 27 inches is a wonderful machine with a stunning 5 Kscreen and build quality it now includes USB C with Thunderbolt 3 is one of thebest for photo or video editing in fact it's with an iMac that I'm making thisvideo the iMac was designed for people who spend their time working withcomputer software if you just want to work done the iMac will give you fun HPEnvy 34 curved a gorgeous all-in-one computer with 34 inches wide screendisplay with Intel Core i7 processor USB C with Thunderbolt three HDMI ports andexcellent audio is the combination for hard multitasking gaming or simply towatch the latest movies were inspired by the dynamic elegance of floating glassthe challenge was maintaining the beauty of something so thin and fluid withoutsacrificing IDIA the performance and power we desire this led us to separateall components that work directly powering the display itself inengineering them into the base the result is one of the finished on onesever made the 34 inch curved screen is a micro edge borderall four sides creating an illusion that is floating in mid-air the visualimpression is starkly beautiful the impact immediately immersive the resultis an all-in-one product with the refinement to complement any environmentthe amplified performance with industry-leading Intel Core processorsand sped up data transfer with Thunderbolt technology we engineeredsome exceptional capabilities into it like the HP privacy camera it tucksnicely behind the screen and with a simple push it displays both camera andmicrophone for you it delivers a degree of privacy when thecameras not in use and with up to 16 gigs of RAM and storage options rangingfrom hybrid drive to SSD you have all the power and space you need to streamvideos game and browse the web with optional discrete graphics from Nvidiain HDMI in and out as the world's widest curved all-in-one with an ultra wqhddisplay at nearly 5 million pixels and audio custom tune in collaboration withthe experts at bangles the new NV is entertainment at its bestquad HP speakers with audio dial let you adjust volume and skip songs with atouch of a finger while passive radiators produce more bass for soundthat you can feel it's a one-of-a-kind user experience inside a device with areal sense of its surroundings the new HP Envy curved all-in-one reinvents howform embraces performance empowering its user in advancing the modern homethe Dell Precision 57:20 all-in-one computer is a responsive 4k touchdisplay with heart-pounding audio excellent graphics and performance is anexceptional multimedia editing platformwith the same stunning 5k display gorgeous design in space gray color theApple iMac Pro is the combination of beauty and computing power and these arethe best all-in-one desktop computers you can trust this year as always to buyOh to get more info just follow the links in video description thanks forwatching and I'll see you in the next videoCheersyou

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